Monday, October 27, 2014

Finding Your Why...Big Announcement

Recently, I have really been struggling with the mundane process of: wake up early, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. I LOVE MY JOB! I really do. For those that don't know, I'm a teacher. However, I feel like something is missing from my life. I'm tired of the routine. I want to make a difference, feel important, worth something. You can say, "But you do all these things as a teacher!" And I do! I just need something more. Something outside of my teaching schedule to make my routine less mundane.

I feel like there is a void in my life and I need to feel that void with a purpose!

A why..a reason...some kind of change.

So in my late nights spent alone, as my husband is in his first year of law school, I started thinking. What could be my why?

Now for those thinking, "She's pregnant!!" or "She wants to get pregnant!!" I'm not. Sorry. We just aren't ready. However, I see why a lot of people get pregnant or have children by this age. They are searching for their purpose, their why, and for some...babies are the answer! Just that's not the answer for me...just not right now.

Other thoughts...hmm...

1) I love Pilates! I've been doing it for almost a year and I have seen my body completely transform! Maybe I should be a Pilates instructor and teach after school hours...Final verdict: no. At least not yet. It's not cost effective and would I truly enjoy being on the other side of the workout mat. All eyes on me? I don't know.

2) Plan another vacation! Find another trip to work on! (For those that don't know, we went to Europe last summer for a month and we're going again next summer) After more thought on this..Final verdict: no. Also not cost effective,especially with a husband in law school.

3) Maybe we should foster animals. One very wise pet rescuer once quoted Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." I have always had a STRONG desire to help animals. However, with us having three animals, adding another permanent fur baby to our family just doesn't seem logical, BUT being the helpful hands for a precious animal to feel love before the get to their forever home does seem logical.


Kevin and I said yes to the final choice. We have made the decision to foster for Jamie's Animal Rescue in Houston, Texas!! I am so excited! She does so much good for animals and I want to help her continue the good. 

We adopted our baby Peyton from her and want to continue to help. She has such wonderful animals.
I'm just hoping I can love the foster enough to let them go. Just like we've had to do with all of our baby kittens that we've gotten to raise. I know they could be happy with me, but I think it is more fair to let them be happier with someone else.
Here's to not being a foster fail and to show those sweet foster animals that come into our home SO MUCH LOVE! And to love them enough to let them go.

Here's to finding my why! :)

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