We are called upon to foster this little girl.

Her and Zelda meet and they are instant friends. They could not stop playing with each other! We had to stop them from playing in order to take the picture below. This picture is from the first night with us.
After only a few days with Nessie, we noticed what a cuddle bug she was. If you were sitting on the ground, she was in your lap. If you were laying on the couch, she became the little spoon and snuggled right up against your chest. She loved to be close to people.

Fast forward into a week of having her...she started bleeding from her bum. After talking to Jamie...we both realized Nessie had gone into heat!! No dog park or hanging out outside to play for Nessie! Thank goodness Jamie had picked her up off the streets, otherwise this little girl would be having puppies.
However, we didn't want blood all over the place, so Jamie got us doggy diapers! It was really cute when we first put them on her. She just waddled around with her little leggies spread out! The picture below was taken right after I put the diapers on her. She wasn't happy at first, but she got used to it and started to not mind. Zelda thought they were interesting, but that didn't stop them from playing.
About a week after the diapers, it was time for Nessie to get spayed. This was tough for the little girl. She was in a lot of pain, but pain medicine worked wonders. Play time with Zelda had to be cut short though. We had to her heal! She had to wear a cone for a total of 10 minutes. It was really sad. She basically stood there with her cone of shame to the ground, not moving. She couldn't even move around in her kennel. After her giving me those puppy dog eyes, almost like telling me, "I promise I won't lick my surgery spot," the cone came off and was never put back on. She proved that she wouldn't lick her incision.
The above picture is the only one we have of her in the cone. Peyton was very curious as to what happened to Nessie.
After a week of healing, Nessie was able to go to a weekend adoption event. It was a dreary, rainy day but we had high hopes that Nessie would find her forever home. After being there for about 2 hours, I get a text saying that Nessie has an adoption application on her! Yay for Nessie! She got adopted after only having her for a month, which is great for a dog who is about 10 months old. Usually people want younger puppies. We were so excited for her!
Now she is with a family with no other animals, so all attention is on her...and she has a human brother and sister who will love to snuggle and play with her.
We loved Nessie and she loved us and our animals. I'm so happy to be a foster and to be able to raise these little animals to help them get ready for their forever home. It is such a great feeling to know that you had a hand in helping an animal and getting them to a family who will love them all their lives!
We will miss Nessie...I know Zelda did too! She moped around for a whole day!!
However we are excited to help more! :) Here is to our next adventure!!
Ta ta for now
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